
If you would like to report a side effect or quality complaint please contact Bayer via the form below, by email or by telephone. Full contact details are available here. Alternatively, you may like to contact either your healthcare professional or local health authority.


Your Inquiry  (Boxes marked * are mandatory.)



Humans vary in their biological reactions to medicinal products. This is why not all adverse reactions (side effects) associated with the use of medicinal products can be detected during clinical development, not even by the most comprehensive clinical trials. Capturing as many of these adverse reactions, however rare they may be in absolute terms, from worldwide sources is of paramount importance for continued patient and drug safety (pharmacovigilance). 


For Bayer as a global pharmaceutical company, pharmacovigilance takes center stage, beyond mere compliance with worldwide regulations. To enable Bayer to provide up-to date safety information on Bayer products, your support is pivotal, whether you are a customer, patient or healthcare professional. 


If you want to report a side effect or quality complaint, please contact your healthcare professional (e.g. physician or pharmacist) or your local health authority. 


Reports can also be made on our Side Effect Reporting website. Further information about data privacy and side effect reporting are available in the Bayer Privacy Statement for Pharmacovigilance Data.


Bayer respects your right to privacy while using our websites. We take the protection of personal data very seriously and will only collect, process, and use any personal data that you provide in this contact form in accordance with our data privacy policy.

Collection Notice
Bayer Australia Ltd (“Bayer”) is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality and security of personal information provided by you to us. The information provided by you to Bayer on this form will be used by Bayer for the purposes of handling your enquiry and communicating with you in relation to this matter in accordance with our Collection Notice.

I have read the Collection Notice before providing my personal information