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Bayer Modern Slavery Statement


We have a responsibility to lead immediate and meaningful change to protect the environment in the communities we operate.

By publishing a Modern Slavery Statement Bayer sets a clear signal against modern slavery, forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking. 

Bayer is a founding member of the UN Global Compact and respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations. Our human rights due diligence is based on the human rights due diligence principles described in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We have no tolerance for violations of human rights, modern slavery, nor human trafficking – we will not ignore them. We are committed to respecting and fostering human rights within our own business activities and in business relations along our value chains.


To set a sign against modern slavery, forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking we summarize and publish our efforts and yearly progress to combat violations of human rights in a Modern Slavery Statement. It encompasses the human right of not to be subjected to slavery, servitude, or forced labor as well as the protection against child labor and serves to fulfil our legal reporting requirements.


Bayer's Modern Slavery Statement

We have summarized our yearly progress in a statement adhering to the legal requirements of the Australia Modern Slavery Act (PDF, 1.64 MB)

We are continuously working to improve our human rights due diligence efforts. Our focus in 2023 was the updating of our Human Rights Policy.


Previous versions of the statement

The corresponding law was adopted in 2018, requiring the first report after completion of the first full fiscal year after January 1st 2019. Therefore, the 2020 statement is Bayer’s first statement.

2022 (pdf, 1MB)

2021 (pdf, 1.13 MB)

2020 (pdf, 1.77 MB)